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David's Story

My journey into the health education field began in 1975, when at age 17 my robust health began to gradually decline. A heavy eater of meat and junk food, my physical and mental energies deteriorated over a period of six months, then I experienced incessant diarrhea. After a few weeks of medicine treatment, I showed little improvement, so a colon examination was done. The diagnosis was ulcerative colitis, and I spent my 18th birthday in a hospital, taking prednisone and azulfadine drug treatments. The symptoms subsided, temporarily, but the drugs further ruined my health and had a devastating effect on my mental abilities.

Within a few months, feeling sickly and very weak, I experienced a recurrence of the diarrhea and additional symptoms, including cramping, bleeding, and this lead to further physical deterioration. What ensued were eight tortuous years of colitis flare-ups and off-and-on drug therapy. At age 26, I was reduced to a weak, sickly shadow of my former self. I was having gastric explosions every time I ate, up to 10 painful bowel movements a day with mucus and blood. My nervous system became shattered, as I was toxic, debilitated by the medicines, and severely demineralized. Life became a dying hell , but I never gave in to the medical doctors' advice to accept my illness and just be patient until their impossible "miracle drug cure " came along; I desperately wanted my health back and doubted that the doctors knew what they were doing.

In 1984, I had the great fortune to find a Doctor of Natural Hygiene, Laurence Galant in Staten Island, who introduced me to the concepts of self-healing and eating a raw fruit-based diet. At first I thought the idea of eating mostly fruit while I was having non-stop diarrhea was crazy. Yet, I studied Natural Hygiene and slowly cleaned up my diet. I was attached to eating chicken and other favorite cooked foods, however, and was still having colitis flare-ups and relying on medicines.

In the fall of 1984 I had a colonoscopy exam, which confirmed that I had advanced ulcerations throughout my sick colon. Surmising that I had been chronically sick and was not getting better, the gastroenterologist recommended that I either try his experimental drug, which knocks out the immune system, or have my colon surgically removed. Upon hearing this, a heavy decisive thought entered my mind: I have had it with this medical madness - I'll be dead soon if I don't find the answer myself! My life was a gradual descent into hell and I had to climb out now because I sensed it was almost too late.

Over the next few days I started thinking like never before about how to overcome my illness. I realized that I had to figure out what the MD's could not, and my thinking lead me to consider more closely the information on self-healing and switching to a raw food diet. The information seemed so incredible, but I saw that it was really working for Laurence, and I read many amazing healing testimonials.

Then one amazing night while studying T. C. Fry's Life Science/Natural Hygiene course, I beheld a healing vision and it all made sense; the picture of my new health was revealed via the fruitarian pathway to self-mastery. I understood that humans are biologically fruit eaters, and that fruit was the best food for my sick colon and entire body. I was ecstatic knowing I had set myself free!

The next day I threw away the medicines, divorced myself from all medical intervention for good, gave up all meat and dairy for ever and started a 3-day juice cleanse. By the second day I was coming back to life. On the third day I was feeling better and better and my enthusiasm and joy drove my family and friends crazy! My gut was feeling soothed and I was rejuvenating. I set myself free of illness, doctors and medicines for good, and my bowels were working better and better!!

I adopted a fruit based diet - that harmonized best with my mind/body/spirit. And with that my energies continuously increased as I detoxified and began rebuilding. Within about six weeks I felt that my colon was completely healed up. I was able to enjoy eating and life again, as my bowels were functioning better than ever. I began a new healthful lifestyle.

Over the next few years I diligently worked at rebuilding my depleted body, incorporating daily running and yoga, all the while studying the life sciences and all of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual factors which determine our health. It took several years of total dedication to build robust health. In 1993, after a year of study and training at the Institute for Educational Therapy in Cotati, California, I became certified as a Nutrition Educator and began providing nutrition and healing consultations. Today, at age 39, I enjoy excellent health and usually feel euphoric.

Healing, I teach people, is easy if we understand and apply the principle that it is the body that does the healing - -when we remove the unhealthful aspects of our diet and lifestyle and step out of the way, the body will do the healing work automatically and naturally.

Is living my 100% raw food fruitarian lifestyle hard? No! Living healthfully is the easiest and most joyful way to be! And I'm glad to help health seekers get there and feel that for themselves. I love to help health seekers discover the way to heal and build superior health for themselves!

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Living and Raw Foods

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